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Need your help on Open Clipart[redakti fonton]

Open Clipart Library need help for translating few pages of explanation. Wikipedia use SVG cliparts from Open Clipart because it's totally free (like flags). Could you help us on the wiki of Open Clipart in your language ? Thank you. I'm registrered in french wikipedia as patricia.fidi.

Saluton, Open Clipart Library bezonas helpon por traduki kelkakjn paĝojn kun klarigoj. Vikipedio uzas SVG-bildetoj de Open Clipart ĉar ilie stas tute liberaj (kiel flagoj). Ĉu iu el via vikio povus helpi traduki Open Clipart en vian linigvon? Dankon? Patricia Fidi (tradukis Alaŭdo ۩ 20:49, 2. Aŭg 2006 (UTC))

Hi, I'm writing a book on Fonts and Encodings and would like the following sentence to be in Esperanto:

Now for a more interesting example: the letter `ĥ' used in Esperanto, a language so idealistic and charming in its awkwardness. translation: Nun, por pli interesa ekzemplo: litero 'ĥ' uzata en Esperanto, lingvo tiom ideema kaj ĉarma per ties mallerteco."

Could you please translate it into Esperanto and send me the result (

Thanks in advance!

Vidu ĉi tie por la diskuto en SCE. -- Yekrats 15:18, 5. Sep 2006 (UTC)

See translation over, but I very much wonder where you see awkwardness in Esperanto?! On the contrary all that practised it experience how it is supple, adaptable and versatile. Vikipediisto:Eliott

Need some info about implementation of X-sistemo[redakti fonton]

Hi! I am a user of the Venetian Wikipedia. I would like to know more about the implementation of the Esperanto X-system in Wikipedia: i.e. how the typing of "cx" in the edit box can produce the letter "ĉ" on the screen. We've got some problem with the special letters we use (like "ł" for example), that aren't supported by standard Italian keyboards, so it would great if we could make up a similar system on our Wikipedia!

If some of you knows how to do it, please tell me in my diskutpaĝo (in English please, I speak very little Esperanto).

Thanks in advance. LV~Parolu kun mi 21:17, 7. Sep 2006 (UTC)

Downloadable Esperanto-English/English-Esperanto disctionary[redakti fonton]

Iu scias de TTT-ejo that has a downloadable eperanto/english dictionary which is free? Mine just stopped working. La Ikirojdo|Vidu mian diskuton 17:55, 22. Okt 2006 (UTC)

I occasionally use Majstro Tradukvortaro and Reta Vortaro. -- Yekrats 19:24, 22. Okt 2006 (UTC) Narvalo 19:37, 22. Okt 2006 (UTC)

Wikimania 2007 Team Bulletin[redakti fonton]

Published by the Wikimania 2007 Taipei Team, Wikimania 2007 Team Bulletin provides the latest news of the Team's organizing work to everyone who is interested in Wikimania; it also gives the Team chances to announce calls for help/participation, so assistance in human and other resources can be sought in a wider range. Team Bulletin is published at the official website of Wikimania 2007 and released to the public domain. Issue 1 and Issue 2 has already published.-- 01:51, 29. Okt 2006 (UTC)

Pytanie o Stronę Esperancką temas pri ,BABILEJO.[redakti fonton]

Czy strona Esperancka [Ĝangalo],zostala zamknięta na stałe ,czy może chwilowo? pytanie zadał mi początkujący Esperantysta. z pozdrowieniami

a była kiedyś zamknięta? W każdym bądź razie jest teraz otwarta do edycji --Arkadiusz Zychewicz 08:41, 3. Nov 2010 (UTC)

Wikisource - The Free Library[redakti fonton]

Hi! It would be great if someone could check and complete the Esperanto (eo:) entry for "Wikisource - The Free Library" in this multilingual chart. Thanks! Dovi

What is it?[redakti fonton]

Please tell me what it is.

Thank you.

Rubidium 07:16, 14. Apr 2007 (UTC)

Here it is again.

Rubidium 07:30, 14. Apr 2007 (UTC)

I don't understand what you are asking - can you give more detail? --Gabriel BEECHAM 17:26, 14. Apr 2007 (UTC)

Bot translations[redakti fonton]

Let's try this again. Hi, i was looking at the contributions of my bot and noticed the summary is not in esparanto. Can someone provide me with the correct translations?

  • robot = ... (Roboto?)
  • Adding = ...
  • Removing = ...
  • Modifying = ...

Thanks, Multichill 13:31, 24. Apr 2007 (UTC)

Here is the translation
  • robot = roboto
  • Adding = aldono de
  • Removing = forigo de
  • Modifying = modifo de
Please, notice, that the translation is not direct and means appriximately "addition of", "removal of" etc. This is a more elegant way to say that in Esperanto, than using other verbal forms. If you need some other messages to be translated, just poste them here. Alaŭdo ۩ 14:40, 24. Apr 2007 (UTC)
Thank you, i added the translations. Do the contributions of my bot look ok now? If it looks ok, i'll submit a patch so that the other bots also have their summary in Esperanto. Multichill 15:03, 24. Apr 2007 (UTC)
Looks fine from my chair. ;-) --Haruo 19:13, 24. Apr 2007 (UTC)
The patch is accepted. After an update all bots will add a summary in Esperanto. Multichill 21:55, 24. Apr 2007 (UTC)

Tłumaczenie na Esperanto[redakti fonton]

Jak przetłumaczyć na Esperanto:

Matka Boska Ostrobramska; Ostra Brama

Vikipediisto:Platanacero 21-a de julio 2007

je ne savais pas qu' il existait un Wikipédia pour les esperantophone et je trouve cette idée très réjouissante!!!

Titolo de artikolo[redakti fonton]

Saluton, mi nomiĝas alejandro cossavella, loĝas en argentino kaj kantas en esperanto. ekzistas artikolo kies titolo "Ale Kosabela" mi ŝatus ŝanĝi al "Alejandro Cossavella", kaj ke la esperantigita formo aperu ene de la artikolo mem. Ĉu tio eblas? Dankon, ale. bailartango (ĉe)

farite AL @ 23:15, 12. Jan 2008 (UTC)
Mi aldonis la esperantigitan formon. --Lu 09:20, 27. Jan 2009 (UTC)

Aŭtomatan tradukadon[redakti fonton]

Mi laboras en la projekto Apertium. Ni havas tradukadosistemon inter hispana-esperanto kaj kataluno-esperanto. Estas libera programaro, kaj ni volas koni ke ĝi pensas la genton. Vi povas provi ĝin tie:

Gracoj - Francis Tyers 16:48, 21. Dec 2007 (UTC)

mi malfermis vian hejmpaĝon. Tie mi ne trovis hispana-Esperanto. Kial? Ĉu ankoraŭ mankas aŭ ĉu mi faris eraron? --Hans 22:08, 12. Jan 2008 (UTC)

Devas ŝanĝi la tradukadotipon, ekzemple, implicite estas Hispana-Kataluno. Se vi ankoraŭ havas problemojn, vi povas eniri en nia irc kanalo, #apertium . Francis Tyers 13:16, 27. Jan 2008 (UTC)

kiel trovi la diskutejon[redakti fonton]

mi nur hazarde trovis tiun paĝon (ĉar ĝi aperis en "lastaj ŝanĝoj). Kiel/kie aliaj (neesperantistoj) povas trovi ĝin? --Hans 22:15, 12. Jan 2008 (UTC)

Du eblecoj laŭ mi: Supozeble ili estas unue sur la ĉefpaĝo. De tie ili iras aŭ al la diskutejo, kie supre troviĝas ligo al alia paĝo, kiu gvidas ĉi tien. (Mi proponos simpligi tion.) Aŭ ili trovas sur la ĉefpaĝo tute sube la klarigojn en aliaj lingvoj, kiuj por germanlingvanoj kondukas al Vikipedio:Über diese Seite; tie mi enmetis tute supre ligon al ĉi tiu paĝo. Ĉu bone tiel? --Lu 06:29, 3. Sep 2008 (UTC)

Esperanto on italian wikibooks[redakti fonton]

Hi! I would like to report you that the book Esperanto (it is a textbook about Esperanto) on italian Wikibooks has become a featured book after a votation (see what feature books are for more information). Ramac -- 20:56, 30. Jan 2008 (UTC)

Encuentros esperantistas en Andalucia, grupos de Esperanto[redakti fonton]

Hola, soy una chica interesada en los encuentros esperantistas en Andalucia. Me gustaria saber las sedes en Andalucia. Muchisimas Gracias.

Vea las páginas de EsperantoLand para encontrar grupos esperantistas. --Lu 06:02, 3. Sep 2008 (UTC)


Dears editors of Wikipedia: We are the promoters of the Wikipedia in Ancient Greek. our project only need surpasse the last step to succeed. PLEASE HELP TRANSLATE THE MEDIAWIKI INTERFACE FOR ANCIENT GREEK AS THIS PROPOSAL REQUIRES!!!, for final approbation.

Thanks a lot for your help. Ἡ Οὐικιπαιδεία needs you!

Can this article be renamed please, for the reasons given on its discussion page? I understand enough Esperanto to know what the problem with it is.-- 20:45, 21. Apr 2008 (UTC)

Vi eble sufiĉe komprenas : sed leginte la diskuton mi ne konvinkiĝis ke oni ne nomu la menciitan lingvon Skota lingvo. En Francio la oficiala lingvo estas la franca lingvo, kio ne signifas ke ĝi estas la sola lingvo parolata en la lando. Same nomi tiun ĝermanidan lingvon parencan kun la angla skota lingvo neniel signifas ke ĝi estas la sola lingvo parolata en Skotlando. Fakto ke skotlandaj esperantistoj listigas la lingvojn parolatajn en Skotlando - angla (skotangla), skota, kaj gaela (skotgaela) - ŝajnas al mi klara. La vikipedia artikolo kaj la menciita paĝo el la retejo de la Esperanto-Asocio de Skotlando klare difinas kio estas la respektivaj lingvoj. Arno Lagrange @ 21:52, 21. Apr 2008 (UTC)

Toward an unique language policy[redakti fonton]

There is a proposal to unify the criterion of language policy titled Unique and workable criterion. you can participate in the discussion.

Congratulation for the 100000th article from Hungarian Wikipedia! ~ Boro 14:18, 7. Jul 2008 (UTC)

Нуждаюсь в решении моих проблем[redakti fonton]

Нуждаюсь в решении моих проблем эсперантистами из/в России. Я - автор послесловия в первом переводе ("Понимание медиа: внешние расширения человека", 2003) на русский язык его одной из лучших работ "UNDERSTANDING MEDIA: The Extensions of Man". Мой вариант этого названия по-русски: "Глубинное существо medium'ов: Развоплощение Человека", 2005. Очень хотел бы перевода на эсперанто с моими комментириями Маршалла Маклуэна. Именно, на эсперанто (2008/2009) с издания 2003 года (можно в варианте "дабл-листинг" с английского, 1964). Всем везде сейчас нужна Адекватная реакция на Сеть. Даже учёные из Цукубы (Японский аналог Академгородка) запросили нашей помощи, чтобы понять о ЧЁМ хочет нам сказать в своих работах великий технэ-пророк из Торонто. У нас возможность разъяснить, чтобы понять - есть! Искренне Ваш, референт архиепископа. Вавилов Михаил Константинович, Москва. 9022118

Если я правильно понял, Вы ищете человека, который смог бы перевести указанный вами труд с английского или русского на эсперанто. Мне известны факты сотрудничества переводчиков на эсперанто с философами и писателями, я советую вам обратиться к кому-либо из актуальных переводчиков в Москве, пока у меня под рукой нет адресов, но если это то, что Вам нужно, тогда я постараюсь их найти. Alaŭdo ۩ 20:21, 26. Sep 2008 (UTC)

me encanta vuestra pagina espartanos

Bot approval for inital sighting of authoritative pages[redakti fonton]

(por reviziita versioj, ne aprobita versioj)

I am User:Melancholie, bureaucrat and sighter on the Alemannic Wikipedia, SysOp and sighter on the German Wiktionary and operator of MelancholieBot for example. I want to apply for the "editor" right (= sighter) also on this wiki:

The reason for this request is that I do have a bot script available that can help you with the initial sighting process ("FlaggedRevs") for foolproof pages! Why? Not-yet-flagged pages will appear with a red exclamation mark, even if a sighter edited it. A sighter will have to sight it afterwards, even if the page has only been edited by absolutely trustworthy users in past! That's much much unneeded work!

My script will minimize and fasten up your extra work on this by sighting (flagging, marking) the latest revision of all reliable and clean pages (templates, images, articles; redirects) automatically, based on a user whitelist!

  1. Step #1:
    • Currently, only all SysOps of your wiki are on this list.
    • If you could confirm that your flagged bots did and still are working well (in respect of hidden spam/vandalism) I will add them too, what would be very important for the efficiency within the article namespace!
  2. Step #2:
    • Furthermore, please confirm that the content contributions of your sighters have been - respectivaly are (the latest revision gets flagged only) - free of spam and vandalism. With adding also all sighters to the whitelist, you could have the biggest benefit in respect of unnecessary work you will not have to do manually on your own!
    • Are there any reliable users, that are not yet allowed to sight?

You will be able to have an eye on that process all the time at Specialaĵo:Log/review, by the way! But first I have to have the right to flag (sight) on this wiki. --- Best regards, Melankolio 05:33, 27. Nov 2008 (UTC)

By the way: If you should have any general problems (layout etc.) with the FlaggedRevs extension, please let me know. --- Best regards, Melankolio 06:10, 27. Nov 2008 (UTC)

Saluton Melankolio... That sounds like a good idea, but please let me talk to the community first. Thanks for the offer... -- Yekrats 13:05, 28. Nov 2008 (UTC)

You can see how it works, at huwiki and frnews for example (list). --- Kore, Melankolio 06:40, 10. Jan 2009 (UTC)

A goal surpasse the number of articles of Volapuk[redakti fonton]

Volapuk unfairly (with bot editions), many time ago, surpassed Esperanto in number of articles. Without the bot, the production of Volapuk's articles stopped. Now Esperanto can surpasse, newly, Volapuk in number of articles. I think the goal can be achieved, in the final of march. Crazymadlover.

Personally I do not like the competition between artificial languages, especially as regards those, which were designed with the same idea in mind (like Volapuk, Esperanto and Ido). I agree that Volapuk drew too much negative attention to artificial languages in the general Wikipedia Community, but on the other hand it indirectly contributed to the progress of Esperanto Wikipedia, which, compared to the artifically-born Volapuk project, is a really lively and evolving Wikipedia project. So, I would not consider beating Volapuk-Wikipedia as a reasonable goal for E-wiki. Alaŭdo ۩ 19:33, 14. Feb 2009 (UTC)
I think it was not good that an artificial language like Volapuk, which is nearly out of use, had even more articles than the Esperanto version. This put the idea of an artificial language into a bad light and there were questions, if maybe the Esperanto version as well was made up of bot articles. So I'll be quite happy, when the Esperanto version surpasses the Volapuk edition. This will put things back to their natural order. (And, anyway, I'm quite happy about every new article, which obeys to the rules, and about every surpassed milestone.) --Lu 07:48, 28. Mar 2009 (UTC)

What's the fucking point of this language??? Freaks. Enmetita en Diskuto:Ĉefpaĝo‎ je 17:46, 27. Mar 2009 de

If you want information, you're going to have to be more polite than that. -- Yekrats 21:34, 20. Apr 2009 (UTC)

Licensing update progress notice[redakti fonton]

Het Licensing update voorstel om een dubbele licentie (GNU Free Documentation License (GFDL) and the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License (CC-BY-SA)) te gebruiken op alle Wikimedia projecten verkeerd bijna in het eind stadium.

Het voorstel is gemaakt door de Foundation en is mogelijk gemaakt door de recentelijke wijzigingen in de GFDL. In een paar dagen zal er een site notice verschijnen voor alle geregistreerde gebruikers, deze site notice is bedoeld om mensen te informeren dat over drie weken een stemming zal beginnen over het voorstel.

In de tussentijd willen we u uitnodigen om het voorstel te lezen indien u meer wilt weten. We zouden het op prijs stellen indien u wilt helpen met het vertalen van de laatste pagina's.

Ŝablono:Gebruiker:Abigor/ht 29 mrt 2009 13:17 (CEST) Namens het Licensing Update Committee.

Translation[redakti fonton]

Hello to evreybody,

I need a little help by translation. Can you please translate the next text into your language and put it here?:

Text (original - Serbian cyrillic):

  • Уколико желите да пронађете кориснике који причају есперанто, претражите Категорија:Корисник eo. За остале језике, проверите Категорија:Језичке кутијице.
  • Уколико сте регистрован корисник на Српској Википедији а не разумете српски, молимо вас додајте {{user sr-0}} на вашу корисничку страницу. Ова порука гласи - на српском - да не разумете српски језик, тако да ће остали корисници бити обавештени о томе.

Text (original - Serbian latin):

Text (version on English):

Thanks and regards,

--FriedrickMILBarbarossatalk • 11:01, 18. Okt 2009 (UTC)

Estis jam iu teksto, kaj mi ĵus iom korektis kaj poluris ĝin. RobKeetlaer 14:06, 20 Mar. 2011 (UTC)

translation from " Hebrew " and " English "[redakti fonton]

hi to all,

I wanted to ask if you can translate the following articles to Esperanto:

1 - " גלידה מסטיק " => (hebrew wikipedia)

2 - " Mastichochoria " => (english wikipedia)

thank you, שחר1979 13:04, 10. Mar 2010 (UTC)

I just made a stub/ĝermo for Lentiska rezino (mastic). -- Yekrats 14:04, 10. Mar 2010 (UTC)

please look at the english version of " Mastic (plant resin) " . שחר1979 14:33, 10. Mar 2010 (UTC)

Well, I was trying to find a good translation for mirante (high place from where one can have a good view of all the surrounding area), but am not sure I did it right. Basing on the verb vidi I created videjo (place where one sees), but later I discovered that this word is often used as a synonym for "gallery". So, is there another verb in Esperanto that conveys the idea of "looking at a distance" that I could use instead? Capmo 05:12, 11. Mar 2010 (UTC)

Fundraising needs translations![redakti fonton]

Hi Everyone!

Sorry for the English, anyone who is able to translate is welcome (and encouraged). Talking about translations! This is a quick note looking for any help you guys can give in doing some quick translations for the 2010 Fundraiser. You can see the requests at the Meta translation page. The fundraiser starts a week from today (Monday November 15th) but we will be going up to 100% This Friday for testing throughout the weekend. Translations of the letter from Jimmy Wales and and the "core messages" are especially important and sadly we do not yet have Esperanto translations of the new letter or the new text strings. Please let me know if you have any questions! Jalexander 17:50, 8. Nov 2010 (UTC)

Malajzio kaj ASOAN[redakti fonton]

Please amend the page in esperanto about the country of Malaysia. There is no esperanto association in Malaysia and nothing is founded in 1989, the info is wrong, you cannot search it in the registry of society in malaysia. and the person mention as esperantist cannot be found too. Other info also out of date for Malaysia, can refer to the English version

the sultan has changed is no longer Ŝtatestro: sultano de Negri-Sembilana ŝtato - Tuanku Jafar ibn al-Marhum Tuanku Abdul Rahman. You can get info from here

yahoo groups

There is a web forum for ASEAN esperantist at

thank you

The article Herefordshire seems to have a bad link. I don't know how to fix it or to mark it to be fixed. rpyle731 11:02, 10. Feb 2011 (UTC)

I moved the picture to the upper right, I suppose that's what you wanted? RobKeetlaer 12:28, 19 Mar. 2011 (UTC)

La dua kaj tria eksteraj ligiloj en la artikolo (vidu supre) ŝajnas esti komercaj, eblus nomi ilin "malbonaj ligiloj", kaj mi ĵus forprenis ilin. Aparte de tio, la artikolo ĝis nun vere estas minimuma ĝermo... The second and third external links in the article (see above) seem to be commercials, you could name them "bad links", and I just removed them. Besides, the text up to now really is a minimum stub... ThomasPusch 11:18, 5 Sep. 2011 (UTC)

Esperanto[redakti fonton]

Where do you learn esperanto? —La komenton aldonis, sen subskribo, (diskuto • kontribuoj) 17:47, 26 Apr. 2011

Have you looked for some links on your native language Wikipedia, before writing there? :) --→ Airon 16:31, 26 Apr. 2011 (UTC)

Devenir traducteur Français > Espéranto - Une ambition ...[redakti fonton]


J'ai une petite ambition, devenir traducteur Français > Espéranto!

J'étudie l'espéranto par conviction et principalement de manière autodidacte, Wikipedia et Vikipedio me servent régulièrement, je pense donc que je peŭ être utile aussi et traduire des articles, me rendre utile à la communauté sous licence Creative Commons.

Tiens, est-ce une anomalie, le "ŭ" de "peŭ" de la partie de la phrase ..., je pense que je peŭ être ... est devenu "ŭ"!!??

D'où vient le problème, le choix de caractère?

Depuis quelques semaines, je passe un peu de temps à essayer de traduire des articles du français vers l'espéranto!

J'ai bien dis "à essayer", en effet ce n'est pas une chose facile, mais ce n'est pas grâve, j'ai pas mal de patience, et surtout, à la longue, j'espère y arriver, aussi d'avoir une aide!

Etant donné que je ne suis que "komencanto", et que de plus, je ne suis pas (encore) un traducteur (confirmé), j'utilise Apertium, lernu, reta-vortaro pour améliorer la vitesse de traduction!

Une autre ambition, est de devenir également traducteur Espéranto > Français.

Merci de m'avoir lu!

--Vandpatr 10:26, 18 Jun. 2011 (UTC)

Respondo je Uzanto-Diskuto:Vandpatr 08:34, 4 Sep. 2011 (UTC)

Translate[redakti fonton]

I'd like to get help for translate the article about the partisan en:Joseph Serchuk to your language. Google Translate is not available for Esperanto.

Thank you! Yottam 00:22, 20 Sep. 2011 (UTC)

Unfortunately Google Translate is not yet availbale for Esperanto, but there are other translate tools available for Esperanto. See Vikipedio:Vikitraduko (Grammtrans, Vikitradukilo). Just try them. --Arno Lagrange @ 07:42, 20 Sep. 2011 (UTC)
Thank you! Yottam 08:48, 20 Sep. 2011 (UTC)

GibraltarpediA[redakti fonton]

'Domesday Book'
'Domesday Book'
Please translate the text below into the language of your wiki

We would like to invite you to contribute to the GibraltarpediA project, the world's first WIkipedia City. The project needs writers, photographers, translators and others to help build the first wiki city which bridges Europe and Africa. We are going to transform Gibraltar and the surrounding areas in Morocco and Spain into areas rich with encyclopedic content immediately accessible using QR codes and NFC on plaques for visitors and local people.

There are prizes to reward contributors in the Gibraltarpedia Multilingual challenge for the best editors, photographs and cartographers... whoever you are. More at

'Domesday Book'
'Domesday Book'

'Domesday Book'
'Domesday Book'

Ni ŝatus inviti vin kontribui al la projekto GibraltarpediA, la unua Vikipedia Civito en la mondo. La projekto bezonas verkistojn, fotistojn, tradukistojn kaj aliajn por helpi konstrui la unuan viki-civiton kiu transpontas Eŭropon kaj Afrikon. Ni estas transformontaj Ĝibraltaron kaj la ĉirkaŭajn areojn en Maroko kaj Hispanio en areojn riĉajn je enciklopedia enhavo tuj alirebla uzante QRpedia-kodojn kaj NFC (Near field communication) sur platoj por vizitantoj kaj loka loĝantaro.

Estas premioj por rekompenci kontribuantojn en la Gibraltarpedia Multlingva defio por plej bonaj redaktantoj, fotantoj kaj kartografoj... kiu ajn vi estas. Pli multe en

'Domesday Book'
'Domesday Book'

[WIKIPEDIA OFFLINE] New version in Esperanto available with Kiwix[redakti fonton]

We have released recently, a new version of the offline version of the Wikipedia in Esperanto. This includes all encyclopaedic articles, all categories and pictures (thumbnails). This allows everyone with a PC (Windows, OSX, Linux) to enjoy Wikipedia articles in Esperanto without Internet; like for example in the middle of the desert, during a flight, on the seas... or in jail.

You can download the Wikipedia offline in Esperanto (3GB) here:

Here is a demonstration how the content looks like:

More details at

Wikipedia-wide information network[redakti fonton]


I am Anthere. I only speak french and english. I hope someone will be able to translate this, and I apologise if I did not put it in the right place :-)

I would like that information circulate better between wikipedias, so that all wikipedians can participate more, and keep its own identity at the same time.

For this reason, I recently set a page on meta, m: Goings-on.

Hopefull, at any time, this page could indicate the current discussions, polls, votes or general announcements. 3 pages were already locally created on the spanish, the french and the english wikipedia. A global one is now on meta.

Each local page is about general on-goings as well as local ones.
Meta page aims at being about global occurences.

The page is different from the announcement page. The announcement is more oriented toward external communication (such as number of pages, special adverstisement), while the on-goings aim at mentionning community events (such as a new feature poll, elections of board of trustees).

To compare both pages :

It would be great that each wikipedia in time, set a similar page, so that information could flow more easily between wikipedia. If you do so, please do set the goings-on page locally, so that every wikipedians on *your* wikipedia can see it and participate to it, and please link it to the meta page.

For bigger wikipedia, it is also interesting to set a goings-on page to relieve the local village pump, often clogged with information request.

For small wikipedias, it makes sense to merge the goings-on in the village pump, perhaps by making a separate paragraph.

I am also looking for people who would agree to update the local goings-on in their language. Please, contact me at my talk page for any support, suggestion and feedback.

Thank you very much for your attention :-) Anthere

Wikizine[redakti fonton]

Hi, I am w:nl:gebruiker:Walter of the dutch Wikipedia. I am writing you because your are listed as ambassador of your wiki. I have something to say that I think you will find useful and possibly others of your wiki also.

You know it is not easy for the members of a local wiki to be informed about what is going on in the higher levels of the Wikimedia family. This because of the language problem and the high level of fragmentation of places where you can find information.

I am now making a weekly news letter (Wikizine) that attempts to provide the news of the Wikimedia projects. The concept is to list only a very short description of the news an give the relevant url to the subject. I want it to be short, only give the news that is important for all projects. The target audience include the ambassadors. It is for people who are interested in what it going on outside there own wiki. I emphasize on the news that is practical-technical. The information comes form several "news"-pages on several wikis, the mailinglists and IRC. There will be news I can not discover. If you have news found somewhere or from you own wiki please let my know. wikizine AT

I can only create one version in something that supposed to be English. I count on the readers to inform there local wiki about the news in there own language.

Wikizine is send by use of the mailinglist Announce-l. It is only used for this. So people can subscribe without being swamped by emails like the lists.

I hope that you and others of your wiki will subscribe to Wikizine and give feedback. So that Wikizine can become really a source where Wikimedians can find out what is going on. Greetings, w:nl:gebruiker:Walter PS: do not repond here. I will not see it.

Wikipedia articles translation[redakti fonton]


Je voudrais annoncer que j'ai mis en place un site d'aide à la traduction des articles de Wikipédia. S'il y a une page sur les outils d'aide à la traduction, se serait une bonne idée de l'ajouter. Si quelqu'un est intéressé par faire la traduction de l'interface homme-machine en esperanto, je serais heureŭ de lui fournir les textes à traduire.



I want to annonce that the site can help to translate Wikipedia articles. If there is a page about translation tools it would be a good idea to add it. If some one want to translate the menus in Esperanto, I would be glad to send him/her the text to translate.

03:55, 12. Apr 2007 (UTC)

Quick translation[redakti fonton]

I'm more into helping with the technical implementation of the Wiki, but I thought it may be fitting to have my user page at least bilingual. Does anyone feel like translating the following for me: "Hello! If you wish to leave me a message, it would probably reach me sooner if you left it at my English Wikipedia talk page."? Reply here, and thanks in advance. +Hexagon1 (t) (en) 10:14, 1. Nov 2008 (UTC)

Unsupervised revisions[redakti fonton]

Not sure why there are seven pending revisions over 4 months still waiting to be approved on Sankta Triunuo... AnonMoos 12:16, 16. Aŭg 2010 (UTC)

Again many pending revisions: -- AnonMoos 09:29, 13 Feb. 2012 (UTC)

Commons translation request[redakti fonton]

Greetings! Commons is updating its templates for image and sound assessments (such as featured images and picture of the year), and I've been asked to seek out translators for the various templates. The Esperanto language template is located here: It is a fairly small amount of text to translate, and would take about 15 minutes. If anyone would care to undertake the task, I would appreciate it! Please mark the translation as completed here, if you complete the task. You can test your changes by adding your language to this page, and viewing the article afterwards. I can be reached on Commons or Norwegian wikipedia if you have any questions. Best regards, --Kenneaal (diskuto) 13:29, 21 Apr. 2012 (UTC)

Message transferred at Diskutejo. Ĉiuĵaŭde Diskuto / Miaj artikoloj 13:38, 21 Apr. 2012 (UTC)

OctraBot[redakti fonton]

Someone please help me well translate some messages into this wiki language. --Octahedron80 (diskuto) 11:55, 16 Apr. 2013 (UTC)

✔ Farite I just translated the messages. / Mi ĵus tradukis la mesaĝojn. --Tlustulimu (diskuto) 12:39, 16 Apr. 2013 (UTC)
Thank you very much --Octahedron80 (diskuto) 12:44, 16 Apr. 2013 (UTC)

Esperanto DBpedia[redakti fonton]

Hello to everyone! I'm extracting a Linked Open Data resource for a research project starting from Wikipedia in Esperanto, and I have some questions about the encyclopedia. Can anyone involved in the project contact me? Thanks! Ziorufus (diskuto) 15:53, 17 Sep. 2014 (UTC)