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Paĝenhavo ne ekzistas en aliaj lingvoj.
El Vikipedio, la libera enciklopedio

Eble vi jam faris! Sed hazarde mi kopias ^ci tie por la kompetenta redaktinto de tiu artikolo la entenon de respondo kiun mi ricevis el "webmaster" de ret-ejo pri GNU:

de R.Platteau Thu Apr 3 00:00:57 2003]:

> At least one language mankcs in your diverse versions, the most evident > in an for-liberty, equality, anti-imperalism project: > Esperanto! > the world communication equalitarian peaceful libertarian language. > Urge find competent esperantists computer-men to translate it ! > respondo: de: webmasters ĉe gnu punkto org

  Hi, is running on all volunteer efforts, and we would
like to have as many languages as possible. If you would like to volunteer for

translation to Esperanto, please contact .

 Gurhan Ozen 

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