Saltu al enhavo

Carex umbrosa

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species of plant

Eksteraj rimedoj

eBiodiversity ID
Czech NDOP taxon ID
Info Flora ID
World Flora Online ID
GBIF taxon ID
numero en iNaturalist
FloraCatalana ID
Flora Croatica Database taxon ID
FloraWeb ID
Tela Botanica ID
IPNI-takononoma identigilo
BOLD Systems taxon ID
EUNIS ID for species
Plants of the World Online ID
identigilo laŭ Enciklopedio de Vivo
taksonomia identigilo NCBI
Plantarium ID taxon ID
Pladias ID
Plant List-identigilo (Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew)
numero en BioLib
FloraVeg.EU taxon ID
identigilo de IUCN
identigilo de Freebase
numero en Tropicos
Open Tree of Life ID
NBIC taxon ID
Catalogue of Life ID


mallonga nomo

C. umbrosa[28]

taksonomia nomo

Carex umbrosa

aŭtoro de taksono: Nicolaus Thomas Host

taksonomia rango

supera taksono

vulgara nomo de taksono

ostřice stinná[30]

konserva statuso de IUCN

Status in the Red List of Threatened Species in the Czech Republic

near threatened[30]

komuneja bildaro

Carex umbrosa

Komuneja kategorio

Carex umbrosa

ĉefa kategorio de la temo

Category:Carex umbrosa


  1. TAXREF v9.0, 22 sep. 2016
  2. TAXREF v10.0, 27 dec. 2017
  3. TAXREF v11.0, 3 jan. 2018
  4. TAXREF v12.0, 3 nov. 2018
  5. TAXREF v13.0, 1 jan. 2020
  6. eBiodiversity, 30 jun. 2019
  7. Portál informačního systému ochrany přírody, 8 jun. 2018,
  8. Info Flora
  9. World Flora Online, 28 jul. 2020
  10. Global Biodiversity Information Facility, 23 maj. 2015
  11. Flora Croatica Database, 22 apr. 2024
  12. FloraWeb, 14 dec. 2020
  13. Internacia Plant-Noma Indekso, 13 nov. 2016
  14. European Nature Information System, 27 nov. 2018
  15. Plants of the World Online, 14 apr. 2018
  16. Enciklopedio de Vivo, 31 okt. 2014
  17. Taxonomy database of the U.S. National Center for Biotechnology Information, 14 nov. 2015
  18. World Checklist of Selected Plant Families, 11 feb. 2017
  19. The Plant List 1.1, 7 feb. 2014
  20. BioLib, 19 sep. 2018,
  21. UMLS 2023, 16 jun. 2023, inferred by common NCBI Taxon ID mappings on source and on Wikidata
  22. FloraVeg.EU
  23. Internacia Ruĝa Listo de Endanĝeritaj Specioj, 10 jul. 2016
  24. Freebase Data Dumps, 28 okt. 2013
  25. Tropicos, 25 mar. 2014
  26. Open Tree of Life reference taxonomy version 3.2, 10 mar. 2021
  27. 10.48580/DFPZ
  28. inferred from taxon name
  29. FloraWeb,, 10 jun. 2015
  30. 30,0 30,1 Portál informačního systému ochrany přírody, 19 sep. 2018,
  31. 19617786, 3 jan. 2023, The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2022.2
  32. GRIN Taxonomy for Plants, 16 mar. 2015