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the jumping support ( Antidorcas marsupialis ) is one Africa niche Antilope from the group Gazellenartige of the n.


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the jumping support reminds in the appearance of Thomson Gazelle. Like these it has a dark, red-brown strip, which separates the yellow-brown top side from the white ventral side. At the white head a thin strip from the eyes to the upper muzzle angle extends. One can see the extended back hair only if the animal up-jumps „prunkt “, i.e., with rigid legs and curved backs - the name-giving behavior. Both sexes carry geringelte, leierförmige horns; those of the females are however slimmer. The shape resembles some genuine Gazelle. The jumping support is assigned to another kind nevertheless, since its dentures deviate from that the Gazellen: it has ten meal teeth, Gazellen in the lower jaw against it twelve.


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as only kind Gazellenartige of the n lives the jumping support in südlichen Africa. It seems to s, Namibia s, Angola s and Botswana s on the territories South Africa. The Habitat is the open savannah.

way of life

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the name „jumping support “agitates from the senkrechten sentences, with which this Antilope snaps itself up, if she is frightened. These jumps from the conditions can reach heights of 3,5 m. With this „Prunken “the legs remain rigidly, which backs outward curved, and from a skin fold in the back step are enough, white hair out, which is to be seen far away. This behavior could serve to warn the kind comrades if a Raubtier were noticed. However also young animals in the play full-lead again and again these jumps. An alternative hypothesis says that the signals are to apply for the Raubtieren themselves: it is shown to them that they were noticed, and that an attack is senseless. If it should come nevertheless to an attack, a jumping support with a speed of nearly 90 km/h can flee. Thus it belongs to the fastest mammals at all: With fork support and Hirschziegenantilope it struggles for the second place behind Gepard the EN.

Jumping supports live to the drying time in smaller federations, which unite in the rain time to enormous herds. These herds, in which the animals undertake migrations to better food reasons, could cover animals in earlier centuries over one million. Today the largest herds consist of approximately 1500 jumping supports. In the drying time the females with their boys form small herds from approximately hundred animals. Separate herds form young males; these bachelor federations consist of approximately fifty animals. Males are territorial. They maintain districts with a surface from 10 to 40 hectares and try to hold the females in it there.

== other ==

the jumping support is the coat of arms animal of the Republic of South Africa. With international sport competitions South African teams often call themselves after these animals; thus is called the successful Rugby - team of South Africa „ the Springboks “. This solidarity with the jumping support leaves however, there the Antilope in the consciousness to new South Africa with the coat of arms of the old apartheid - state is linked. Thus South African Airways 1997 removed the jumping support from their Logo; springbok however still is I.C.A.O. - the call signal ( callsign ) of the airline. Despite this celebrity the jumping support long substantial was bejagt. On the one hand its meat became estimated, on the other hand one one regarded it as a parasit, since the herds the Getreidefelder zertrampelten. By organized mass firings one created it in 19. Century even to let the jumping support become extinct in South Africa completely; in 20. Century the animals were again introduced however from the neighbour states. The total population becomes today estimated on 600.000 animals.

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* {{{assessors}}} ({{{year}}}). {{{title}}}. Internacia Ruĝa Listo de Endanĝeritaj Specioj, eldono de 2006. IUCN 2006. Elŝutita {{{downloaded}}}.