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Vikipedia diskuto:VidRedaktilo

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Oficejaj horoj de VidRedaktilo

[redakti fonton]

Inĝeniera departamento de la fondaĵo Vikimedio gastigas pliajn du oficejajn horojn en IRC por diskuti VidRedaktilon. La unua okazos dum lundo la 2-a de Decembro la 19:00-an horon laŭ UTC. La dua okazos marde la 3-an de Decembro la 01:00-an horon laŭ UTC. Bonvolu aliĝi al Projekta manaĝoro James Forrester por diskuti VidRedaktilon kaj ontaj planoj. Protokoloj estos sekve konservitaj en meta:IRC office hours#Office hour logs. (Se la oficejaj horoj estos ege partoprenataj povos esti malfacile respondi ĉiujn demandojn sed se vi ne povos partopreni aŭ ne parolas la anglan vi povas lasi la demandon en mia diskutpaĝo kaj mi sendos vian mesaĝon al James F.)

Dankon! Whatamidoing (WMF) (diskuto) 00:46, 26 Nov. 2013 (UTC)

tradukis KuboF (diskuto) 16:20, 26 Nov. 2013 (UTC)

VisualEditor office hours

[redakti fonton]

Hello. I apologize for writing mostly in English. Please help translate this message so that others in your community can read it. :)

The Wikimedia Foudation's engineering department has already planned office hours in the next months to discuss VisualEditor. La unua okazos dum lundo la 15-a de January 2014 la 2300 UTC. La dua okazos dum lundo la 22-a January la 2300 UTC. Bonvolu aliĝi al Projekta manaĝoro James Forrester por diskuti VidRedaktilon kaj ontaj planoj. Protokoloj estos sekve konservitaj en meta:IRC office hours#Office hour logs.

If you want to ask a question and cannot attend or do not speak English, please let me know your question by leaving a message on my user talk page or sending me an e-mail message, and I'll pass it along.

I’ll post a reminder close to the date as well. Dankon! Whatamidoing (WMF) (diskuto) 22:33, 27 Dec. 2013 (UTC)

Reminder: VisualEditor is coming to this wiki on 2014-01-13

[redakti fonton]

Saluton, everyone. Please excuse my use of English. I would be very grateful if someone would translate this message so everyone can read it.

VisualEditor (VidRedaktilo) is coming to this project on Monday, 13 January 2014, probably around 1900 UTC. VisualEditor is software in development to allow people to edit pages in MediaWiki without needing to learn wikitext syntax (like typing [[ and ]] to link to another page). It is already in use on more than 100 Wikipedia projects. Please see mw:Help:VisualEditor/FAQ for more information.

On January 13th, you will have a choice between using VisualEditor or the current wikitext editor. When you press "Edit", you will get the new VisualEditor software. To use the wikitext editor, you can press "Edit source". For more information about how to use VisualEditor, see mw:Help:VisualEditor/User guide.

We hope that this software will be useful to people in your community, and we really need your help to make it better! If you have time, please test VisualEditor now and let us know about any serious issues specific to this Wikipedia before the rollout. To test VisualEditor now, go to Special:Preferences#mw-prefsection-betafeatures and select "VisualEditor". If you're willing and able, please report the issue in Bugzilla in the "VisualEditor" product. Alternatively, please explain the issue you found on the central feedback page on If you notice major issues affecting this Wikipedia, please let us know directly. Please leave a note on my talk page or, if it’s an emergency, like an unexpected bug causing widespread issues, reach out to James Forrester, the Product Manager, at for immediate attention.

We also need help with translation, both of the pages about VisualEditor and of the user interface. See VisualEditor TranslationCentral for information on what needs to be translated.

  • To translate the user interface, you need an approved account at TranslateWiki. Then select your language from this list. This will give you a list of individual lines and paragraphs. The English original will be on one side, with the option to "edit" on the other. Pressing "edit" will open an edit window where you can work. According to the current statistics, the interface is currently 80% translated.
  • To translate the user guide, simply go to the page, and select "translate this page". Your language should be available from the drop-down menu on the right. If you want to help with translations and need help with it, please leave a message for me on my talk page. According to mw:VisualEditor/TranslationCentral#Help:VisualEditor/User guide, the user guide is currently 22% translated for this language. The translated (or mostly translated) user guide also needs to be copied over here, so editors here can find it.

Thank you for your help, and happy editing! Whatamidoing (WMF) (diskuto) 19:08, 20 Dec. 2013 (UTC)