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Martin Wight

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Martin Wight
Persona informo
Naskiĝo 26-an de novembro 1913 (1913-11-26)
en Brajtono
Morto 15-an de julio 1972 (1972-07-15) (58-jaraĝa)
en Speldhurst
Lingvoj angla
Ŝtataneco Unuiĝinta Reĝlando (Britio) Redakti la valoron en Wikidata
Alma mater Bradfield College (en) Traduki
Kolegio Hertford Redakti la valoron en Wikidata
Okupo politikologo
historiisto Redakti la valoron en Wikidata

Robert James Martin WIGHT (1913–1972), konata ankaŭ kiel Martin Wight, estis unu el la plej elstaraj de britaj fakuloj pri internaciaj rilatoj en la 20-a jarcento. Li estis la aŭtoro de la libro Power Politics (1946; reviziita kaj etendita eldono de 1978), same kiel de la ŝlosila eseo "Why Is There No International Theory?" (kial ne estas internacia teorio?, unuafoje publikigita en la gazeto International Relations en 1960 kaj republikigita en la eldonita kolekto Diplomatic Investigations en 1966). Li estis prestiĝa profesoro kaj en la London School of Economics kaj en la Universitato de Sussex, kie li servis kiel fonda Dojeno de Eŭropaj Studoj.

Wight estas ofte asocia kun la Brita komitato pri la teorio de internacia politiko – "Brita" por distingi ĝin el la usona institucio kiu estis fondita laŭ similaj intencoj – kaj la tiel nomita Angla skolo de teorio de internacia politiko. Lia laboro, kun tiu de la aŭstralia filozofo John Anderson, estis longdaŭra influu super la pensaro de Hedley Bull, aŭtoro de unu el la plej amplekse legataj tekstoj pri la naturo de internacia politiko, nome The Anarchical Society (1977).[1]

Kelkaj verkoj

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Wight verkis por multaj revuoj, ĉefe por The Observer kaj International Affairs, sed liaj ĉefaj verkoj estas jenaj:

  • "Christian Pacifism", Theology, 33:193 (Julio 1936), pp. 12–21.
  • Letter on "Christian Pacifism", Theology 33:198 (Decembro 1936), pp. 367–368.
  • "The Tanaka Memorial", History 27 (Marto 1943), pp. 61–68.
  • Power Politics Looking Forward Pamphlet, no. 8 (London: Royal Institute of International Affairs, 1946).
  • The Development of the Legislative Council 1606–1945, vol. 1 (London: Faber & Faber, 1946).
  • "Sarawak", New Statesman and Nation 31, 8a de Junio 1946, pp. 413–414.
  • "The Realist’s Utopia", pri E. H. Carr, The Twenty Year’s Crisis, The Observer, 21a de Julio 1946, p. 3.
  • The Gold Coast Legislative Council (London: Faber & Faber, 1947).
  • "The Church, Russia and the West", A Ecumenical Review: a Quarterly, 1:1 (Aŭtuno 1948), pp. 25–45.
  • "History and Judgment: Butterfield, Niebuhr and the Technical Historian", The Frontier: A Christian Commentary on the Common Life, 1:8 (Aŭgusto 1950), pp. 301–314.
  • With W. Arthur Lewis, Michael Scott & Colin Legum, Attitude to Africa (Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1951).
  • Preface & amendments to revised edition of Harold J. Laski, An Introduction to Politics (London: Allen & Unwin, 1951).
  • British Colonial Constitutions 1947 (Oxford: Clarendon, 1952) rete.
  • "Spain and Portugal", "Switzerland, The Low Countries, and Scandinavia", "Eastern Europe", "Germany" & "The Balance of Power" en A. J. Toynbee & F. T. Ashton-Gwatkin (eld.) Survey of International Affairs 1939–1946: The World in March 1939 (London: Oxford University Press & Royal Institute of International Affairs, 1952), pp. 138–150, pp. 151–165, pp. 206–292, pp. 293–365 & pp. 508–532.
  • Note on A (III) (a) Annex I "Spiritual Achievement and Material Achievement", "The Crux for an Historian brought up in the Christian Tradition" & numerous notes in Arnold J. Toynbee, A Study of History, vol. VII (London: OUP & RIIA, 1954), pp. 711–715 & pp. 737–748.
  • "What Makes a Good Historian?", The Listener 53:1355, 17a de Februaro 1955, pp. 283–4
  • "War and International Politics", The Listener, 54:1389, 13a de Oktobro 1955, pp. 584–585.
  • "The Power Struggle within the United Nations", Proceedings of the Institute of World Affairs, 33a sesio (Los Angeles: USC, 1956), pp. 247–259.
  • "Brutus in Foreign Policy: The Memoirs of Sir Anthony Eden", International Affairs vol. 36, no. 3 (Julio 1960), pp. 299–309.
  • "Are they Classical", Times Literary Supplement 3171, 7 December 1962, p. 955 & 3176, 11a de Januaro 1963, p. 25.
  • "The Place of Classics in a New University", Didaskalos: The Journal of the Joint Association of Classical Teachers, 1:1 (1963), pp. 27–36.
  • "Does Peace Take Care of Itself", Views 2 (1963), pp. 93–95.
  • "European Studies" in D. Daiches (ed.), The Idea of a New University: An Experiment in Sussex (London: Andre Deutsch, 1964), pp. 100–119.
  • "Why is there no International Theory?", "Western Values in International Relations" & "The Balance of Power" in Herbert Butterfield & Martin Wight (eds.), Diplomatic Investigations: Essays in the Theory of International Politics (London: Allen & Unwin, 1966), pp. 17–34, pp. 89–131 & pp. 149–175.
  • "The Balance of Power and International Order", in Alan James (ed.), The Bases of International Order: Essays in honour of C. A. W. Manning (London: OUP, 1973), pp. 85–115.
  • "Arnold Toynbee: An Appreciation", International Affairs 52:1 (Januaro 1976), pp. 11–13.
  • Systems of States ed. Hedley Bull, (Leicester: Leicester University Press, 1977). rete
  • "Is the Commonwealth a Non-Hobbesian Institution?", Journal of Commonwealth and Comparative Politics, 26:2 (Julio 1978), pp. 119–135.
  • "An Anatomy of International Thought", Review of International Studies 13 (1987), pp. 221–227.
  • International Theory: The Three Traditions ed. Gabriele Wight & Brian Porter (Leicester & London: Leicester University Press, 1991) rete.
  • Power Politics (2nd ed.) edited by Hedley Bull & Carstaan Holbraad (Leicester: Leicester University Press, 1995).
  • "On the Abolition of War: Observations on a Memorandum by Walter Millis", in Harry Bauer & Elisabetta Brighi (eld.), International Relations at LSE: A History of 75 Years (London: Millennium Publishing Group, 2003), pp. 51–60.
  • Four Seminal Thinkers in International Theory: Machiavelli, Grotius, Kant and Mazzini ed. Gabriele Wight & Brian Porter (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005). [1]
  • "Fortune's Banter", in Michele Chiaruzzi, Martin Wight on Fortune and Irony in Politics (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016), pp. 79–114.
  • "Interests of States": in Michele Chiaruzzi, "Interests of States: Un Inedito di Martin Wight", Il Pensiero Politico 51:3 (2018), pp. 427–444.


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  • (2003) “Challenge and Response: The Lasting Engagement of Arnold J. Toynbee and Martin Wight”, International Relations 17 (3), p. 389–404. doi:10.1177/00471178030173008. 
  • ——— (2013). Martin Wight and the Whig Tradition of International Thought and Practice. Traditions in British International Thought and Practice. Berkeley, California. doi:10.2139/ssrn.2252207.
  • (1981) “The Enigma of Martin Wight”, Review of International Studies 7 (1), p. 15–22. doi:10.1017/S0260210500115098. 

Plua legado

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  • Chiaruzzi, Michele. (2008) Politica di Potenza nell'Eta' del Leviatano: La Teoria Internazionale di Martin Wight (itale). Bologna, Italy: Il Mulino.
  • Chiaruzzi, Michele. (2016) Martin Wight on Fortune and Irony in Politics. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. doi:10.1007/978-1-137-52873-5. ISBN 978-1-137-52873-5.
  • Dunne, Tim. (1998) Inventing International Society: A History of the English School. Basingstoke, England: Macmillan.
  • Vigezzi, Brunello. (1994) “Il 'British Committee on the Theory of International Politics' (1958–1985)”, L’Espansione della Societa’ Internazionale (itale). Milan: Jaca Book, p. xi–xcvii.
  • Vigezzi, Brunello. (2005) The British Committee on the Theory of International Politics, 1954–1985: The Rediscovery of History. Milan: Unicopli.

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