Jürgen Moltmann
Jürgen Moltmann | |
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Persona informo | |
Naskiĝo | 8-an de aprilo 1926 en Hamburgo, ![]() |
Morto | 3-an de junio 2024 (98-jaraĝa) en Tübingen |
Lingvoj | germana |
Ŝtataneco | Germanio Okcidenta Germanio ![]() |
Alma mater | Universitato de Göttingen ![]() |
Familio | |
Edz(in)o | Elisabeth Moltmann-Wendel (en) ![]() ![]() |
Okupo | |
Okupo | teologo universitata instruisto ![]() |
Verkoj | Theology of Hope Q1198680 Q1742826 |
Jürgen MOLTMANN (naskiĝinta la 8-an de aprilo 1926 - 3-an de junio 2024) estis germana reformaciisma teologo kiu estis Profesoro Emerita de Sistema Teologio ĉe la Universitato de Tubingeno [1] kaj estis konata pro libroj Teologio de Espero, La Krucumita Dio, Dio en Kreaĵo, kaj aliaj kontribuaĵoj al sistema teologio.[2] Jürgen Moltmann estas la edzo de Elisabeth Moltmann-Wendel, notinda feminisma teologo. Jürgen Moltmann priskribis sian propran teologion kiel etendaĵo de teologiaj verkoj de Karl Barth, precipe la Dogmatiko de Eklezio, kaj li priskribis siajn ideojn kiel post-Barth-eca. Li ricevis honorigajn doktoriĝojn el kelkaj universitatoj, inkluzive Duke Universitato (1973), la Universitato de Loveno en Belgio (1995), la Universitato Alexandru Ioan Cuza en Rumanio (1996), la Kristana Universitato Chung Juano en Tajvano (2002), la Nikaragva Evangeliisma Universitato (2002) kaj la Universitato de Pretorio en Sudafriko (2017).[3] Moltmann elektiĝis por prezenti la Gifford Prelegojn en 1984–85 kaj ricevis la Grawemeyer Premion en Religio de 2000 de la Universitato de Louisville [4].
Moltmann kreis tipon de teologio de liberigo bazita sur la vidpunkto ke Dio suferas kun la homaro, dum promesas al la homaro pli bonan estontecon pere de la espero de la Reviviĝo, kiun tiu nomis 'teologio de espero'.[5] Moltmann kreis tipon de socia triunuismo.[6]
Verkoj en la angla
[redakti | redakti fonton]Gravaj verkoj
[redakti | redakti fonton]- Theology of Hope: On the Ground and the Implications of a Christian Eschatology, SCM, London, 1967
- The Crucified God: The Cross of Christ As the Foundation and Criticism of Christian Theology, SCM, London, 1973
- The Church in the Power of the Spirit: A Contribution to Messianic Ecclesiology, SCM, London, 1975
- The Trinity and the Kingdom: The Doctrine of God, Harper and Row, New York, 1981
- God in Creation, SCM, London, 1985
- The Way of Jesus Christ, SCM, London, 1990
- The Spirit of Life: A Universal Affirmation, SCM, London, 1992
- The Coming of God: Christian Eschatology, Fortress, Minneapolis, 1996
- Experiences in Theology: Ways and Forms of Christian Theology, SCM, London, 2000
Aliaj verkoj
[redakti | redakti fonton]- "The Lordship of Christ and Human Society," en Two Studies in the Theology of Bonhoeffer, paĝoj 19–94, 1967
- Theology of Joy, SCM, London, 1972 (usona eldono: Theology of Play, Harper & Row, New York, 1972 [notu: paĝoj malsamas])
- Religion, Revolution and the Future, Charles Scribner's Sons, New York, 1969
- Hope and Planning, Harper & Row, New York, 1971
- The Gospel of Liberation, Word, Waco, Texas, 1973
- Human Identity in Christian Faith, Stanford University Press, Stanford, 1974
- Man: Christian Anthropology in the Conflicts of the Present, SPCK, London, 1974 (Reprinted as On Human Being: Christian Anthropology in the Conflicts of the Present, Fortress, Minneapolis, 2009)
- The Experiment Hope, SCM, London, 1975
- The Open Church, SCM, London, 1978 (usona eldono: The Passion for Life: A Messianic Lifestyle, Fortress, Philadelphia, 1978)
- Meditations on the Passion: Two Meditations on Mark 8:31-38, Paulist, New York, 1979
- The Future of Creation, SCM, London, 1979
- Experiences of God, SCM, 1980
- God–His and Hers, Crossroad, New York, 1981
- Jewish Monotheism and Christian Trinitarian Doctyine: A Dialogue by Pinchas Lapide and Jürgen Moltmann, Fortress, Philadelphia, 1981
- Following Jesus Christ in the World Today: Responsibility for the World and Christian Discipleship, Institute of Mennonite Studies, Elkhart, IN, 1983
- Humanity in God, Pilgrim, New York, 1983
- The Power of the Powerless, SCM, London, 1983
- On Human Dignity: Political Theology and Ethics, Fortress, Philadelphia, 1984
- Communities of Faith and Radical Discipleship, Mercer University Press, Macon, 1986
- Theology Today: Two Contributions Towards Making Theology Present, Trinity International, Philadelphia, 1988
- Creating a Just Future: The Politics of Peace and the Ethics of Creation in a Threatened World, Trinity International, Philadelphia, 1989
- History and the Triune God: Contributions to Trinitarian Theology, SCM, London, 1991
- Jesus Christ for Today's World, SCM, London, 1994
- Theology and the Future of the Modern World, Association of Theological Schools in the United States and Canada, Pittsburgh, PA, 1995
- The Source of Life, SCM, London, 1997
- A Passion for God's Reign, Eerdmans, Grand Rapids, MI, 1998
- Is There Life After Death?, Marquette University Press, Milwaukee, 1998
- Passion for God: Theology in Two Voices, Westminster John Knox, Louisville, KY, 2003
- Science and Wisdom, SCM, London, 2003
- In the End the Beginning, SCM, London, 2004
- A Broad Place: An Autobiography, Minneapolis, Fortress, 2009
- Sun of Righteousness, Arise! God's Future for Humanity and the World, Fortress, Minneapolis, 2010
- Ethics of Hope, Fortress, Minneapolis, 2012
- Jürgen Moltmann: Collected Readings, Fortress, Minneapolis, 2014
- The Living God and the Fullness of Life, Westminster John Knox, Louisville, KY, 2015
- The Spirit of Hope: Theology for a World in Peril, Westminster John Knox Louisville, KY, 2019
Artikoloj kaj ĉapitroj
[redakti | redakti fonton]- ″Is 'Pluralistic Theology' Useful for the Dialogue of World Religions?″ en D’Costa, Gavin, Christian Uniqueness Reconsidered (Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 1990)
- "Is the world unfinished? On interactions between science and theology in the concepts of nature, time and the future", Theology, vol. 114, no. 6 (Nov 2011). Boyle Prelego de profesoro Moltmann, kun respondo de A. J. Torrance
[redakti | redakti fonton]- ↑ Jürgen Moltmann, the life power of hope.
- ↑ Jürgen Moltmann's Systematic Contributions (and Original Trinity) (en-US). The PostBarthian (2018-08-11). Alirita 2020-09-13 .
- ↑ "Jürgen Moltmann receives honorary doctorate from Pretoria University", World Council of Churches, 2017-04-06. Kontrolita 2018-12-16.
- ↑ 2000– Jürgen Moltmann. Religion. Grawemeyer. Arkivita el la originalo je 2014-07-28.
- ↑ Wood bridge. Revisiting Moltmann's theology of hope (Sudafrikio). SATS..
- ↑ . Ethics, hope. Christian century (Sep 2012)..