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Sutro de la koro de la perfekteco de saĝo

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प्रज्ञापारमिताहृदय सूत्र
mahajana sutro
Kopio de palmfolia manuskripto en Siddhaṃ, originale ĉe la bikŝuejo Hōryūji, Japanio, nun ĉe la Nacia Muzeo de Tokio ĉe la galerio de trezoroj de Hōryūji. La originala kopio povus esti la plej antikva ankoraŭ ekzistanta manuskripto en Sanskrito, de la 7-a aŭ 8-a jarcentoj.[1]

La Sutro de la koro de la perfekteco de saĝo (sanskrite प्रज्ञापारमिताहृदयसूत्र, Prajñāpāramitāhṛdayasūtra), aŭ mallonge, la Kora sutro, estas la plej recitita, kopiita kaj studita budhisma skribo en Orienta Azio,[2][3] recitita de anoj de Mahajano senkonsidere la skolon.[4]

En la sutro, la bodisatvo Avalokiteŝvaro, post praktiki la perfektecon de saĝo, eksplikas al la arahanto Ŝariputro pri la esenca vakueco (śūnyatā) de ĉiu fenomeno, prezentita kiel la kvin amasoj (pañcaskandhāḥ): formo (rūpa), sento (vedanā), distingo (saṃjñā), volo (saṃskāra) kaj konscio (vijñāna). Li diras formo estas vakuo, vakuo estas formo kaj deklaras la samon pri la aliaj amasoj, do depende originitaj.[5] Li poste parolas pri la fundamentaj instruoj de budhismo, kiel la kvar noblaj veroj, kaj eksplikas, ke neniu el ĉi tiuj nocioj estas realo mem,[noto 1] sed ke li fidas, ke la perfekteco de saĝo estas la kielo rekte percepti realon sen avido de konceptoj, tiel atingante nirvanon.

La sutro finas per laŭdo al la mantro gate gate pāragate pārasaṃgate bodhi svāhā ("Atinginto, atinginto, purbordon-atinginto, purgbordon-elatinginto, versaĝo, hura!")

Vidu ankaŭ

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Ekstera Ligilo

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  1. Laŭ la doktrino de la du veroj (dve satye).


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  1. e-museum 2018.
  2. McRae 2004, p. 314.
  3. Pine 2004.
  4. Lusthaus 2003, pp. 59–60.
  5. Matilal, Bimal Krishna. (2002, reeldonita en 2015) The Collected Essays of Bimal Krishna Matilal, Volume 1. Ganeri, Jonardon. ISBN 0-19-946094-9.


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  • Beal, Samuel. (1865) The Paramita-hridaya Sutra. Or. The Great Paramita Heart Sutra. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, No.2 Dec 1865, 25-28
  • BTTS (Buddhist Text Translation Society) (2002). Daily Recitation Handbook : Sagely City of Ten Thousand Buddhas. ISBN 0-88139-857-8
  • Buswell Jr., Robert E. (ed). (2003) Encyclopedia of Buddhism MacMillan Reference Books. ISBN 0-02-865718-7
  • Buswell Jr., Robert E. and Lopez Jr., Donald S. (ed). (2014) The Princeton Dictionary of Buddhism Princeton and Cambridge: Princeton University Press. ISBN 0-691-15786-3
  • Choo, B. Hyun (2006) 'An English Translation of the Banya paramilda simgyeong chan: Wonch'uk's Commentary on the Heart Sūtra (Prajñāpāramitā-hṛdaya-sūtra)' International Journal of Buddhist Thought & Culture. February 2006, Vol.6, pp. 121–205.
  • Conze, Edward (1948). Text, Sources, and Bibliography of the Prajñāpāramitā-hṛdaya. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, 80(1-2): 33-51.
  • Conze, Edward (1967). ‘The Prajñāpāramitā-Hṛdaya Sūtra’ in Thirty Years of Buddhist Studies: Selected Essays, Bruno Cassirer. pp. 147–167.
  • Conze, Edward (1974). The Short Prajñāpāramitā Texts. London and Totowa NJ: Luzac and Company, Ltd. and Rowman and Littlefield. ISBN 0-87471-192-4
  • Conze, Edward. (1975). Buddhist Wisdom Books: Containing the "Diamond Sutra" and the "Heart Sutra" (New edition). Thorsons. ISBN 0-04-294090-7
  • Conze, Edward. (2000) Prajnaparamita Literature Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers ISBN 81-215-0992-0 (originally published 1960 by Mouton & Co.)
  • Dreitlein, Thomas Eijō. (2011) An Annotated Translation of Kūkai's Secret Key to the Heart Sūtra 24. 高野山大学密教文化研究所紀要(Bulletin of the Research Institute of Esoteric Buddhist Culture), p. 1–48(L).[1]
  • e-Museum, National Treasures & Important Cultural Properties of National Museums, Japan (2018), Sanskrit Version of Heart Sutra and Viyaya Dharani, archived from the original on 2018-11-22,, retrieved 2019-06-23 
  • (1989) [2] (zh-hant).
Arkivigite je 2019-06-23 per la retarkivo Wayback Machine
  • Fukuda. (1964) [3] (japane). Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies, p. 144–145.
  • Hakeda, Y.S. (1972) Kūkai, Major works: Translated and with an account of his life and a study of his thought. New York: Columbia University Press. (esp. pp 262–276 which has the English translation of Secret Key to the Heart Sutra) ISBN 978-0231059336
  • Harada. (2002) [4] (japane). Association of Esoteric Buddhist Studies, p. L17–L62.
  • He, Ming (贺铭). “2”, ' 1 (zh-Hans). Beijing Yanshan Press, p. 12–28. ISBN 9787540243944.
  • Ishii Kōsei 石井公成. (2015) ' 64 (japane). 印度學佛教學研究, p. 499–492.
English translation --> [5]
  • Kelsang Gyatso, Geshe (2001). Heart of Wisdom: An Explanation of the Heart Sutra, Tharpa Publications, (4th. ed.). ISBN 978-0-948006-77-7
  • Liao, Bensheng (廖本聖) (1997), (in zh-hant)Chung-Hwa Buddhist Journal, 10: 83–123 
  • Lopez, Jr., Donald S. (1988), The Heart Sutra Explained: Indian and Tibetan Commentaries, State Univ of New York Pr., (ISBN 0-88706-589-9) 
  • Lopez, Jr., Donald S. (1996), Elaborations on Emptiness: Uses of the Heart Sūtra, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, (ISBN 978-0691001883) 
  • Luk, Charles (1970), Ch'an and Zen Teaching (Series I), Berkeley: Shambala, pp. 211-224, (ISBN 0877730091)  (cf pp 211–224 for tr. of Hanshan Deqing's Straight Talk on the Heart Sutra (Straightforward Explanation of the Heart Sutra))
  • Lusthaus, Dan (2003). The Heart Sūtra in Chinese Yogācāra: Some Comparative Comments on the Heart Sūtra Commentaries of Wŏnch’ŭk and K’uei-chi. International Journal of Buddhist Thought & Culture 3, 59–103.
  • McRae, John (2004), "Heart Sutra", in Buswell, Jr., Robert E., Encyclopedia of Buddhism, MacMillan 
  • Minoru Kiyota (1978). Mahayana Buddhist Meditation: Theory and Practice Hawaii: University of Hawaii Press. (esp. Cook, Francis H. ‘Fa-tsang’s Brief Commentary on the Prajñāpāramitā-hṛdaya-sūtra.’ pp. 167–206.) ISBN 978-8120807600
  • Müller, Max (1881). ‘The Ancient Palm Leaves containing the Prajñāpāramitā-Hṛidaya Sūtra and Uṣniṣa-vijaya-Dhāraṇi.’ in Buddhist Texts from Japan (Vol 1.iii). Oxford Univers* ity Press. Online
  • Nattier, Jan (1992). 'The Heart Sūtra: A Chinese Apocryphal Text? Arkivigite je 2013-10-29 per la retarkivo Wayback Machine'. Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies 15 (2), 153–223.
  • Nguyen, Tai Thu. (2008) The History of Buddhism in Vietnam. Institute of Philosophy, Vietnamese Academy of Social Sciences-The Council for Research in Values and Philosophy. ISBN 978-1565180987.
  • Pine, Red (2004). The Heart Sutra: The Womb of the Buddhas (2004) Shoemaker 7 Hoard. ISBN 1-59376-009-4
  • Shih, Heng-Ching & Lusthaus, Dan (2006). A Comprehensive Commentary on the Heart Sutra (Prajnaparamita-hyrdaya-sutra). Numata Center for Buddhist Translation & Research. ISBN 978-1886439115
  • Siu, Sai yau (蕭世友). (2017) ' (zh-hant). Chinese University of Hong Kong.
  • Sonam Gyaltsen Gonta, Geshe (索南格西). (2009) ', (Original language in Japanese) (zh-hant), Taipei: Shangzhou Press (商周出版). ISBN 9789866369650.
  • Tai Situ Rinpoche (2005). Ground, Path and Fruition. Zhyisil Chokyi Ghatsal Chatitable Trust. ISBN 978-1877294358
  • Tanahashi, Kazuki (2014). The Heart Sutra: A Comprehensive Guide to the Classic of Mahayana Buddhism. Shambala. ISBN 978-1611803129
  • Thích, Thiện n. (1979) Buddhism and Zen in Vietnam in relation to the development of Buddhism in Asia. Charles E.Tuttle & Co.. ISBN 978-0804811446.
  • Waddell, Norman (1996).Zen Words for the Heart. Shambala. (English translation of Hakuin's Commentary on the Heart Sutra : 般若心経毒語).ISBN 978-1-57062-165-9
  • Yifa (Ven.) (2005), Owens, M.C., Romaskiewicz, P.M. Prajnaparamita Heart Sutra, Buddha's Light Publishing.
  • Yu, Anthony C. (1980). The Journey to the West. Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press. ISBN 978-0-226-97150-6. First published 1977.
  • Zhou, Zhi'an (周止菴). (1959) ' (zh-hant). Taichung: The Regent Store.

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Arkivigite je 2011-07-27 per
  • Nhat Hanh, Thich. (1988) The Heart of Understanding. Berkeley, California: Parallax Press. ISBN 978-0-938077-11-4.
  • Rinchen, Sonam. (2003) Heart Sutra: An Oral Commentary Snow Lion Publications
  • Waddell, Norman. (1996) Zen Words for the Heart: Hakuin's Commentary on the Heart Sutra. Boston, Massachusetts: Shambhala. ISBN 978-1-57062-165-9.
  • Shih, Heng-ching, trans.. (2001) A comprehensive commentary on the Heart Sutra (transl. from the Chinese of K'uei-chi). Berkeley, Calif.: Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research. ISBN 1-886439-11-7.